Ah, well, here I am, better late than never. And here are two pictures of me. Neither of them were taken with the intent of being a portrait shot, but between them I hope you get a feel what I look like. For those of you who've never met me before, I am the young lady with long brown hair, which has since been cut. I hope to have some more accurate pictures up eventually.

Christmas has come and gone, but I spent so much time putting together my wishlist that I decided to leave it up. Mostly, it's meant as a resource for my benefit, but you're welcome to use it as you need. It includes a short description of each item and, when possible, a link to buy the gift online.

I also have a memorial for a role-playing character that I came to have a lot of emotional attachment to several years ago. For those of you in the know, I played Mirl in a free form setting called RhyDin on AOL beginning in late 1995.

My life has taken an unexpected twist in my decision to join the Navy, and some of my friends and family have vouched concern over this. I've written several journals in an attempt to describe and explain my decision.

You may also look at my To Do List. When you are asked for a username and password, just press Okay and you will be granted read-only access.

If you're interested in contacting me, you can refer to this.

This file was last modified on 30-Oct-01 21:36:04 EST
This file has been accessed 958 times.

Version 3.12
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